SET Statements

Posted by Danielle Smith on 11:44 in ,
Good morning everyone! Apologies for not positing on here for a while, I am quite busy at the moment so regretfully I won't be posting on here so much.

Today, I will be discussing SET statements and how they can be categorised and used within SQL Server. I have used several in the past but I haven't yet gone into detail about what each one specifically does, which is something I am going to rectify in this blog post. Before I begin, massive thanks to Microsoft and their technet website for providing me with information on the SET statements that I was unsure about:


What are SET Statements? 

SET statements change the way that the current SQL Server session handles information. These are settings that are predefined in  Note that these are different to using the SET keyword to give a default value to a local variable.

Date and Time Statements. 

Uses an integer value to show the first day of the week. (Valid parameters: 1-7, Monday = 1, Tuesday - 2, Wednesday = 3, Thursday = 4, Friday = 5, Saturday = 6 and Sunday = 7.)

Allows the user to determine the order of date parts. (Valid parameters: mdy, dmy, ymd, ydm, myd and dym.)

ISO Settings Statements.

A collective group which, when switched on, will allow the user to have access to SET ANSI_DFLT_OFF, SET ANSI_DFLT_ON, SET ANSI_NULLS, SET ANSI_PADDING and SET ANSI_WARNINGS.

Overrides the default so when you try to add new columns after this Boolean has been set, new columns will not be nullable if nothing is declared.

Allows you to restore the default setting whereby when new columns are created in the database, if not specified they will always be nullable.

Specifies the behaviour of = and <> operators when used with NULL values. Note that in future versions of SQL Server, this option will always be set to ON and any application that attempt to turn it OFF will produce an error message.

Controls the way shorter than defined column values are dealt with. Note that in future versions of SQL Server, this option will always be set to ON and any application that attempt to turn it OFF will produce an error message.

Specifies behaviour for certain error conditions using a Boolean variable.

Locking Statements.

Allows the user to specify a numeric value to give priority to processes during a deadlock situation. This influences which processes will continue.

Allows the user to specify how long a statement should wait for a lock to be released, in milliseconds.

Miscellaneous Statements.

Determines whether concatenation results are treated as either NULL or empty string values.

Determines whether to automatically close cursors once they have been declared. This is set to OFF by default, which means you will have to manually close the cursor by typing:

Determines whether to check for compliance with the FIPS 127-2 standard. For more information on this standard, please click on the following link:


When switched ON, this allows you to add values to an identity column in a database table.

Specifies the language for this session, which is reflected in the datetime formatting and the language of error messages relayed to the user.

Only used in DB-Library applications, SET OFFSETS returns the relative position of keywords in T-SQL statements.

Determines whether SQL Server should follow ISO rules for using double quotation marks or single quotation marks. With QUOTE_IDENTIFIER set to ON, identifiers must be quoted with double quotation marks and literals  must be quoted with single quotation marks. When QUOTED_IDENTIFIER is set to OFF, literals can have either single or double quotation marks however identifiers can't be quoted (and must follow T-SQL rules).

Query Execution Statements.

Stops a query when either an overflow or a divide-by-zero error (when SQL Server tries to divide a number by 0) occurs whilst the query is executing. By default, this setting is set to ON and should really remain on as turning it off can have negative impact on performance, whereby the query runs fast in SQL Server but much more slowly in the application itself. Plus, it can make it harder to debug the problem as you can receive different query plans.

Determines whether an error message is displayed on screen to the user when either an overflow or divide-by-zero query occurs. If this setting is set to OFF, SQL Server will still return a NULL value as the result of the query.

Usually when you run a query in SQL Server, it will tell you the number of rows that have been affected by the query that has just run in the messages window. When you set NOCOUNT to ON, it prevents SQL Server from putting this count at the end of the result set.

When SET NOEXEC is set to ON, it means that the query will compile but it will not be executed.

Sets the error level generated when rounding an expression may cause unwanted loss of accuracy.

If SET PARSEONLY is set to ON, it means that the query won't be compiled or executed, however if any errors occurs due to the syntax used, these errors will be raised on screen to the user.

Determines what the maximum query cost is of a query to run on the database. If the query cost in the estimated execution plan is more than the limit set, then the execution of that query statement will be prohibited. This SET statement overrides the current limit for the current active connection.

Tells SQL Server when to stop processing the query. If more rows are attempted to be returned, they will simply be left out of the returning result set and a message stating that will be displayed on screen to the user.

Determines the size of textual database fields returned by a SELECT statement. The fields covered by TEXTSIZE are:

  • image
  • ntext
  • nvarchar(max)
  • text
  • varbinary(max)
  • varchar(max)

Statistics Statements.

Processes the joins in the same order that tables appear in the FROM cause of a SELECT statement.

Shows an estimated execution plan of the query, along with information on how the statements in the query are going to be executed.

Shows an estimated execution plan in a textual format.

Shows an estimated execution plan in a well formatted XML document.

Shows information on disk activity whilst a query is being executed.

Shows the actual execution plan of the running query in a well formatted XML document.

Shows the profile information of a query.

Shows how long it takes to execute each query from start to finish, in milliseconds.

Transactions Statements. 

Determines whether the connection is in implicit transaction mode. If it is, then executing any of the following will begin a transaction:

  • OPEN

States that when a transaction is active, running a stored procedure causes a T-SQL distributed Transaction to execute (which is then managed by Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator).

Controls the locking behaviour of your queries as they are run.

Determines whether SQL Server automatically rolls back any transactions that cause a run-time error. Can be used as an alternative to a TRY... CATCH block.

As A Final Word...

Thank you for reading today's blog post! If you have any questions/comments/feedback, please leave them in the comments section below and I will get back to you as soon as I can. Alternatively, please like my SQL Genius Facebook Page and leave a message on there.


SQL Server Database Mail (Intro)

Posted by Danielle Smith on 17:05 in , ,
Good afternoon everyone!

Today, I will be discussing Database Mail, which is one of the SQL Server Manageability Features. This is only going to be an introduction as the database administrator should be the person who handles the management of the database, however I will end up covering this is much more detail at a later date (as I will start to discuss the more administrative parts of database handling).

What is Database Mail? 

Database Mail allows the SQL Server instance to send email messages with attachments to specific users. This can be useful when you want weekly reports (which aren't formatted) to be sent to certain employees to give them an update on the information stored within a particular database table.

Prior to SQL Server 2005, SQLMail was the service provided, however this was replaced with Database Mail (with SQLMail included for backwards compatibility only). Database mail communicates using SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) and doesn't require third party software such as Microsoft Outlook or Windows Live Mail, which makes it especially suitable for use on especially dedicated database servers.


So how can this benefit me in my development? Well... the features of Database Mail allow you to integrate email messaging along with your applications. All you need to do initially is configure Database Mail so it's linked to the SMTP account. For more information on how to do this, please read the following link:


Sp_send_dbmail and Associated Arguments

Once this step has been completed, you will have access to sp_send_dbmail (the pre-defined stored procedure for sending email messages via Database Mail) and all of its associated arguments:

  • @profile_name
    • The name of the mail profile where the message is sent from. 
  • @recipients
    • The email addresses of the people who intend to receive the message in the "To" field. 
  • @copy_recipients
    • The email addresses of the people who intend to be in the "CC" field. 
  • @blind_copy_recipients
    • The email addresses of the people who intend to be in the "BCC" field. 
  • @subject
    • The text that forms the subject line of the email message. 
  • @body
    • The content of the message. 
  • @body_format
    • States whether the email will be sent in text or HTML format. 
  • @importance
    • Sets the importance level of the message to either "Low", "Normal" or "High". Normal is the default value.
  • @sensitivity
    • Sets the privacy level of the message to either "Normal", "Personal", "Private" or "Confidential". Normal is the default value.  
  • @file_attachments
    • The list of file names that you wish to attach to your email message, each one separated by a semi colon (;). 
  • @query
    • Defines a query for the system to execute. 
  • @execute_query_database
    • Executes the query stored in @query. However if no query is defined then this argument will be skipped. 
  • @attach_query_result_as_file
    • A bit value that determines whether the results of the query should be returned as an attachment (1) or within the body of the email (0). However if no query is defined then this argument will be skipped. 
  • @query_attachment_filename
    • The file name of the attached query result. However if no query is defined or if the @attach_query_result_as_file returns 0, then this argument will be skipped. 
  • @query_result_header
    • Determines whether the column heading names will be included in the returning result set. However if no query is defined then this argument will be skipped. 
  • @query_result_width
    • Sets the number of line characters when formatting a returning query result set. The default is 256 characters. However if no query is defined then this argument will be skipped. 
  • @query_result_separator
    • Specifies the query result column separator character. The default is set to a space. However if no query is defined then this argument will be skipped. 
  • @exclude_query_output
    • A bit value which shows if there was an error with the query. 0 means that the query error message is being displayed on screen in the messages tab. 1 means that the command completed successfully, even if the query in the stored procedure has failed. 
  • @append_query_error
    • A bit value which indicates whether a message has been sent or not when a query error occurs. 0 means that the email message wasn't sent, and 1 means that the email was sent however the error message that did occur was attached to the email. 
  • @query_no_truncate
    • A bit value which can be set to determine whether a large column in a result set should be truncated (shortened). The default is 0, where the columns truncate to 256 characters. However it is possible to modify truncation options to increase or decrease that length, or set the @query_no_truncate to 1 which turns of truncation completely. 
  • @mailitem_id [OUTPUT]
    • Outputs the mailitem_id of the message. 

Modifying Configuration Settings of Database Mail

The following stored procedures can be used to modify the configuration settings of Database Mail:

  • sysmail_configure_sp
    • Configures Database Mail parameters. 
  • sysmail_help_configure_sp
    • Displays the current settings for Database Mail.
  • sysmail_help_queue_sp
    • Displays information on status and mail queues. 
  • sysmail_delete_mailitems_sp
    • Permanently deletes Database Mail tables from the system. 
  • sysmail_delete_log_sp
    • Permanently deletes Database Mail logs from the system.
  • sysmail_start_sp
    • Starts Database Mail.
  • sysmail_stop_sp
    • Stops Database Mail. 


And that is my introduction to SQL Server Database Mail. In the future, I will be posting more about managerial features in SQL, so please stay tuned for those other the coming weeks.

As A Final Word...

Thank you for reading today's blog post! If you have any questions/comments/feedback, please leave them in the comments section below and I will get back to you as soon as I can. Alternatively, please like my SQL Genius Facebook Page and leave a message on there.


Restoring From A Database Back Up

Posted by Danielle Smith on 17:07 in , ,
Good afternoon everyone!

Yesterday, I wrote a short blog post covering how to create a back up from your database in order to safeguard yourself from losing your valuable data. Today, I am continuing with this theme and going to discuss how to restore your database from a backed up file. If you haven't done so already, I would suggest reading yesterday's blog post, which can be found here:


Restoring From a Database Back Up 

In order to restore from a back up, right click on your database instance and go to Tasks > Restore...
As you can see below, there are 4 different options that you can restore from:

  • Database
  • Files and Filegroups
  • Transaction Log 
  • Page

For the purpose of this example, I am going to do a complete restore from a database back up (this is simply because it is the method I have used most often in my work place). For information on other types of back up, take a look at the link below and this will give you a more informed choice on what kind of restore is most suitable for your needs:


After clicking on "Database...", you should see the following screen: 


Now you will need to decide where to back up the database from. Again, for the purposes of this tutorial I am going to use the back up created in yesterday's blog post. Therefore, I want to select "Device" and click on the ellipses (...) as seen in the image below:

Hopefully you will remember where you stored your database back up. Always make sure that the file has been named properly and is stored within an accessible folder on an appropriate medium. Note that it's not always a good idea to have a back up on the same device as the main database because if something goes wrong with that server, not only would you have lost the primary instance but you would have lost the back up instance too. If you can't find your file straight away, make sure you have "view all files" on as SQL Server may not pick up the .bak file straight away. Once you have found the back up, click on add:

Once you have made your decisions on this page, always make sure any other options are set up correctly as well.


Alternatively to restoring the entire database from a back up, you can select specific files to back up from. However for the purpose of this blog post, I can skip this part.


You can choose different options to achieve different results:

  • Overwrite the existing database (WITH REPLACE)
  • Preserve the replication settings (WITH KEEP_REPLICATION) 
  • Restrict access to the restored database (WITH RESTRICTED_USER) 
(Note that none of the options listed above are actually compulsory and you can simply leave the boxes blank or uncheck any checked boxes).


  • RESTORE WITH RECOVERY - (default) - Any uncommitted transactions are rolled back so the database will be in a usable state after the restore. 
  • RESTORE WITH NONRECOVERY - Any uncommitted transactions are left in the state they were in before the restore. This means that if you wish to start using the database again after the restore, you will need to cover the database first. 
  • RESTORE WITH STANDBY - Any uncommitted transactions are rolled back but the database is left in a read-only mode. 
For the purpose of this example, I want to overwrite the existing database and it's contents and leave the RESTORE WITH RECOVERY default on as well. This is the set up I have used when restoring databases in my working environment:

Once you are satisfied that you have set all of the options correctly, click on OK. The progress bar in the bottom left will turn and there will be a restoration bar along the top of the window as well. 

Once the restore is complete you will see the following message: 

Now, if you select the database and query from it, you will notice that it's been completely restored back to its previous state (when the back up was created).

As A Final Word...

Thank you for reading today's blog post! If you have any questions/comments/feedback, please leave them in the comments section below and I will get back to you as soon as I can. Alternatively, please like my SQL Genius Facebook Page and leave a message on there.


Creating Database Back Ups

Posted by Danielle Smith on 17:12 in , ,
Good afternoon everyone! I hope you all had a lovely weekend!

Today's short blog post is going to cover how to create a back up from your database. You should always back up any active database on your server because it will safeguard your database (and yourself!) from losing any of your database and contents. 

Once you have created a back up, you can then restore completely (or even partially) to this back up. Sometimes, it's useful to use these back ups as a way of archiving old data. You never know when you may need to refer back to an archived application build and you will need the relevant database to go with it (as you know, databases can grow vastly in a very small period of time, from both a data point of view as well as database structure point of view). 

Creating a Full Database Back Up 

In order to create a back up, right click on your database instance and go to Tasks > Back Up...

You should see the following screen: 

Make sure that where you wish to back your data up to is the right place, and make sure that the file has a suitable name so you understand exactly what database has been backed up and when it was backed up. You can choose between 3 main back up types from the drop down list: 

  • Full 
  • Differential 
  • Transaction Log
However different settings will provide an even wider range of back up types. Please see the link below for more details on them: 

Once you have made your decisions on this page, always make sure the options are set up correctly as well: 

For this example, I am just going to leave the default options. You can choose to overwrite any existing back up sets and set up new media sets to save your database back up to, however for this example I won't need to do that. 

Once you are ready to go, press ok and you will see this appear in the progress bar: 

If, for whatever reason, you want to stop the back up, click on the "Stop action now" hyperlink. This will cause no negative effects to the database at all. 

Once the back up is complete you will see the following message: 

What Next...

And that really is all there is to it! Note that you can also create timed regular back ups and this example just shows how you can do it manually. Tomorrow I will be discussing how to restore from a database back up so stay tuned for that! 

As A Final Word...

Thank you for reading today's blog post! If you have any questions/comments/feedback, please leave them in the comments section below and I will get back to you as soon as I can. Alternatively, please like my SQL Genius Facebook Page and leave a message on there.


Microsoft Certification Passing Tips!

Posted by Danielle Smith on 14:40 in ,
Good afternoon everyone!

As you will probably know (by looking at the SQL Genius Facebook Page or reading yesterday's blog post) that the reason why I have been so quiet this week is because I took my MCTS 70-433 Database Development exam on Monday and passed! I have been incredibly busy my end.

So, today I am going to go through ways of preparing for your Microsoft exam (like I did) in order to give you the best foundations for passing the exam. Training and learning is something I really think is vital for an individual (not only those in a career) to develop themselves as a person. I found training for and taking my Microsoft examination a pleasure and I wouldn't hesitate at taking more in the future to support my skill set, or recommending the programme to fellow developers who are in the same position as me.

Preparing For Your Exam

Read the Appropriate Training Kit! 

When I first started at my current work place, I was given the appropriate training book to read. It was obvious as time went on that I wouldn't have enough time at work to read and absorb everything, so I bought myself my own copy for home use. This meant that at the end of each day and occasionally at weekends, I would read part of a chapter and make notes about it the following day. This ensured that I remembered as much as I could and any information I struggled to recall I noted down and came back to later.

All in all, I read through the Microsoft Self Training Kit 3 times. I know that sounds boring - and many people may not get on so well with that kind of learning format. However, I still managed to take in a fair amount of information and anything that "slipped through the net" first time around was captured on the second and third read through.

What you do have to note though is that the purpose of the training kit books is to give you the knowledge to practice more in SQL Server, not to pass the exam (that would be too easy otherwise!). You will need to do much more than just read through the books in order to pass; though it does give you sound grounding knowledge to help you pass.

Practice, Practice, Practice!

Whenever I had a moment at work, I carried out the practice lessons within the Training Kit and even formulated my own scenarios and made my own test databases. While I could have used the examples included on the CD, I found that if I had to create the tables and views from scratch I had to think about it much more.

Some people find it easier to learn when they practice and I did find it really helped me to cement the knowledge that I read from the books.

Real Life Experience

What also helps is that I am a developer by trade, so I use SQL Server Management Studio and Visual Studio for the majority of the time. This means that I can see and pick up scenarios at work and remember and learn from them. If there was anything I didn't fully understand, I would note it down and then ask one of my senior mentors to help me when they were free (which thankfully, they were very supportive and really helped me!)

Who knows? Maybe you will come across a similar example in the exam to one you tackled during your normal working day! As a guideline - I have been a Junior Developer for just over a year now and I would recommend a year of work experience before you attempt to take the exam as you need to be able to think in the mind of a SQL Developer, which is probably one of the hardest parts of the Microsoft exam. Not only do you need to be quick at making a decision but you need to know why you have chosen the best solution in your answer.

Use the Questions on the Training Kit CD to Revise! 

Although the questions may not apply to the questions you encounter in the exam, I found the CD very useful in preparing for the kinds of questions you face. Generally, the questions are multiple choice however you will be expected to occasionally choose more than one answer or select an item from a diagram. The CD that came with the training kit was very useful to get myself familiarised on how I should answer each of the questions - so I didn't have to worry about how each question had to be answered. More information on the types of question you could be asked is found here:


Create Flash Cards

I created flash cards and used Post-it notes to remember snippets of information. I found this particularly useful to distinguish between the different types of JOIN as I was constantly getting myself confused. I wasn't popular for leaving my post-it notes all over the office and around the house, but seeing the facts and information every day also helped me remember the vital points for my exam. I did this in the 3 weeks leading up to my exam and found that I could recall information during the exam quickly as I could visualise each one. I always make them bright, colourful and eye-catching.


Believe it or not - writing this blog has actually really helped me and proves to myself that I understand the features that I am writing about. If I don't understand something or there's a gap in my knowledge, I either went back to the training book, I researched more online or I asked one of the senior developers to help me.

On the Day of Your Exam... 

Make sure you get plenty of sleep! 

There's nothing worse than not being able to concentrate due to lack of sleep!

Be organised! 

Make sure you sort out things you need to take with you on the day of your exam the night before  (e.g. Your 2 forms of ID) and keep in mind that you only receive a small locker on the day so don't bring any big or heavy bags with you!

Try to stay calm and relaxed!

Cram revising can help some people but I ended up getting myself confused on the morning of my exam and panicked more, so I did other activities instead to keep my mind fresh.

During the Exam 

My technique during the exam was to answer the questions I knew straight away and if there were any I got stuck on or wasn't completely sure of, I marked and came back to them. That way I made sure that I spent an adequate amount of time on each of the questions and didn't spend 5 minutes trying to answer a question I didn't know, and therefore compromising completing the test. Thankfully, this technique paid off and I passed with a pretty reasonable score.

For more information about the Microsoft examinations and policies, read more here:


Hopefully this article will help someone else pass their exam too - wishing you the best of luck!

As A Final Word...

Thank you for reading today's blog post! If you have any questions/comments/feedback, please leave them in the comments section below and I will get back to you as soon as I can. Alternatively, please like my SQL Genius Facebook Page and leave a message on there.

Have a great weekend! :)


Extensions - Service Broker (Intro)

Posted by Danielle Smith on 12:30 in ,
Good afternoon everyone!

Apologies for not writing on here for a couple of days - on Monday I was in the test centre sitting my MCTS 70-433 exam and I passed! The past 2 days I have been very busy in the office sorting things out so I wasn't in the position to blog.

However... clean slate today and I am going to briefly cover another one of the SQL Server Extensions, called the Service Broker. As a Junior Developer, I've never had to use this myself however it is still very important to understand what its purpose is and how it can be used within your solution.

The purpose of the Service Broker (which was initially released in 2005 version of SQL Server but then expanded upon during future releases) is to send and process messages. The Service Broker mainly deals with:


Messages are pushed into a queue between the sender of the message and the recipient of the message, whilst relying on the Service Broker to ensure that the message reaches the intended recipient.


Dialogs are basically "conversations" where 2 participants (the sender and the recipient) are sending messages between each other. The dialog is the saved conversation between the two.

Conversation Groups

A conversation group is a collation of similar dialogs between multiple services in SQL Server. An example of this would be a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) having a GetCustomerInformation service, which would need to collate information from a customer data service and maybe an invoice service to see what items each customer has purchased.

Uses of the Service Broker

The Service Broker can be useful in any application which involves multi-threading (where multiple processes share the same resources and need to access the same information at the same time, but are able to execute independently from each other). Here is a list of some of the more typical uses:

  • Triggers.
  • Query processing.
  • Data collection. 
  • Server-side processing. 
  • Data consolidation.
  • Batch processing (on a large scale).

Benefits of using the Service Broker

There are many benefits that come with using the Service Broker:

Improved Performance. 

All data, messages and logic behind the application are stored within the same database, which means that less work will have to be carried out in order to retrieve them from an external source. Also, this means that the messaging system and the database will never be out of sync with each other, as one relies on the other to operate, unlike in older systems where the Service Broker was run separately and wasn't integrated within the SQL Server environment.

Easy to maintain and administrate.

Messages can be ordered and coordinated, which will make it easier for the database administrator to maintain. Prior to the release of the Service Broker in 2005, it was difficult to keep on top of the number of messages coming into the system and when a single application produces thousands of messages which could arrive in the wrong order, it's easy to see why this proves such a challenge for database administrators.

You would naturally assume that messages would arrive in the exact order that they have been sent however this isn't usually the case. A good example of seeing this in action is by describing someone viewing a video over the Internet. The video content is sent via packages (the progress of the capture and ordering of these packages is what the secondary bar is when looking at a video. Many thanks to YouTube for their buffer bar!):

When the playback of the video is faster than the speed which the packets are being received and reordered, this is referred to as buffering. Databases need to co-ordinate and order messages too - and the Service Broker with SQL 2005 onwards makes this process much easier to manage.

Flexibility between linked applications.

The use of queuing means that an application can send a message to the queue whilst still continuing with its own processing. The Service Broker is then relied upon to ensure that the message reaches its destination, the application itself doesn't deal with the actual sending process itself.

When multiple programs need to read from the same message queue, this used to cause problems in the past too. However the Service Broker fixes this issue by placing associated messages into conversation groups and then locking these groups when one particular instance is processing messages. This means that other applications can work on other conversation groups at the same time without locking complications.

Automatic activation makes applications scalable. 

Activation means that the application will scale itself accordingly depending on the number of messages that are in each queue, therefore assigning just the right number of resources to each message queue. The Service Broker will be able to automatically determine the scalability, however this isn't a default setting and you will manually need to turn this option on in order to take advantage of what it has to offer.

Final Word...

As a conclusion, the Service Broker is a neat add-on for SQL Server. Please note that this really is only a brief introduction as to what the Service Broker is and in the future, I will go more in depth with code examples on how to set up the Service Broker on your database.

What Next...

Well I have worked through the majority of the MCTS exam book now and I have to admit that writing down what I have been learning and practising has really helped me for my exam. Therefore, to conclude this week I will be writing about my experience in studying for my Microsoft exam, along with advise and tips on how to prepare.

As A Final Word...

Thank you for reading today's blog post! If you have any questions/comments/feedback, please leave them in the comments section below and I will get back to you as soon as I can. Alternatively, please like my SQL Genius Facebook Page and leave a message on there.


Extensions - Full-Text Search

Posted by Danielle Smith on 16:17 in ,
Good afternoon everyone and Happy Friday!

Today's blog post will cover the Full-Text Search - which is one of the Extended Features of SQL Server 2008. Although it was possible to use a kind of Full-Text Search prior to the 2008 release, this version included a fully integrated solution so there was no longer a need to run an external search service.

What is a Full-Text Search?

A Full-Text Search allows you to search for specific keywords within database records which cannot be traditionally found using the standard LIKE clause. It is possible to write queries which:

  • Return inflectional forms of a verb that you input. 
  • Return synonyms for a particular word. 
  • Returns results from data stored within a PDF file (stored within a varbinary(MAX) database field).

Full-Text Search Terminology

Below, I have listed some of the common terminology that you may find associated to the Full-Text Search (taken and reworded from Microsoft SQL Server 2008 - Database Developer Training Kit: MCTS Exam 70-433 p 335-336, ISBN: 978-0-7356-2639-3):


The Term is the string input for the full-text query; the word/phrase that you are searching for.

Full-Text Catalogue 

The Full-Text Catalogue represents a group of Full-Text Indexes.

Full-Text Index 

A Full-Text Index is an index that has been optimised especially to search within text database fields. In order to run a full-text search against a column, you must have a full-text index on the column first. You may only have one full-text index per table or view and there must be a unique key on the specific table already.

Word Breaker

The Word Breaker is a function that finds the tokens that defines each individual word in a string.


A token is a word or character string defined by the Word Breaker.


The stemmer conjugates (or converts) verbs based on the linguistic rules of the defined language.


Synonyms for a particular language can be stored within an XML document called the thesaurus. You can then create full-text searches for those synonyms within that particular language.


A word that is ignored within a search. A perfect example would be to Google a sentence and click on search. It has a list of stopwords which provide no meaning to the result set brought back. These often include "a", "and" and "the".

Types of Full-Text Search

There are 4 main types of Full-Text Search:


CONTAINS allows you to find both exact matches and also less precise matches to the query input and takes 2 arguments:

IncludedColumns - which can take any of the following:
  • Column_name - This is for when you want to search on a single column.
  • Column_list - This is for when you want to search on multiple columns.
  • (*) - The asterisk states that all full-text-enabled columns should be searched upon.
  • Language -  This is the set language option that is being used by SQL Server.

SearchCondition - which can take any of the following:
  • Simple Term - A word or phrase that you wish to search for.
  • Prefix Term - A word or characters that you wish to search for as a prefix to other words. This should be followed by an asterisk (which symbolises 0 or more characters after the specified prefix). For example "Fish*" will return both "Fish" and "Fishing". 
  • Generation Term - Can be either INFLECTIONAL or THESAURUS:
    • INFLECTIONAL uses the stemmer to find relevant verbs. 
    • THESAURUS uses a a thesaurus file to look for synonyms of the same search term. 
  • Proximity Term - States that the term on the left should be close to the term on the right. Can be either NEAR or ~ (tilde) however both work exactly the same way.
  • Weighted Term - Determines the weight of a weighed query. 
  • Logical Operators
    • AND - Both parts of the query should be met. 
    • OR - Either part of the query should be met. 
    • AND NOT - The first part of the query should be true and the second part must be false.


CONTAINSTABLE works for the same purpose and has the same search conditions as CONTAINS, however it will also allow you to return a "relevance value" (RANK) and the full-text key (KEY) for each data row. In addition to the arguments listed about for CONTAINS, it also takes:

  • Table - Which tells SQL Server the name of the table which has the full-text search enabled. 
  • Top_n_by_rank - Indicates that only the top number of rows with the highest ranking should be returned.


FREETEXT makes it possible to match the actual meaning of the search condition. The word breaker is used to split the string into comprehensible words. Stemming is performed and then the thesaurus file is used to look at synonyms with the same meaning as the search term entered.

It uses the following arguments:

  • Column - This can either be a single column, multiple columns or all columns (*). 
  • Free-text string - This stores the string that is to be searched. 
  • Language - This is the set language option that is being used by SQL Server.


FREETEXTTABLE works for the same purpose and has the same search conditions as FREETEXT and CONTAINSTABLE and includes the following:

  • Table - Which tells SQL Server the name of the table which has the full-text search enabled. 
  • Top_n_by_rank - Indicates that only the top number of rows with the highest ranking should be returned.
  • Column - This can either be a single column, multiple columns or all columns (*). 
  • Free-text string - This stores the string that is to be searched. 
  • Language - This is the set language option that is being used by SQL Server.


The Full-text Search is an incredibly useful tool, particular when searching for keywords within a PDF file which I have come across as a requirement from a client in the past. Personally, I wouldn't say it's too difficult to implement and it really makes it much easier to search for those pesky keywords. This can and will be expanded on at a later date to show working examples on how to set up a Full-Text Index and a Full-Text Search Query.

What Next...

On Monday, I will be discussing the SQL Server Service Broker, which was initially released in the 2005 version but has been expanded on since. Stay tuned!

As A Final Word...

Thank you for reading today's blog post! If you have any questions/comments/feedback, please leave them in the comments section below and I will get back to you as soon as I can. Alternatively, please like my SQL Genius Facebook Page and leave a message on there.

Have a great weekend everyone! :) 

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