My first post

Posted by Danielle Smith on 10:44 in ,
Hi everyone!

Firstly, let's start with a bit about me. My name is Danielle, I'm a First Class (Honours) degree graduate in Computer Game Development and I am currently working as a Junior Software Developer in the UK. Although my degree is in gaming, I actually work with database systems and ASP.NET/C# solutions for clients and I thoroughly enjoy what I do. 

The reason why I decided this blog would be a good idea is to keep track of my working progress and personal development. I am planning to become Microsoft Certified in SQL and ASP.NET programming so I felt this would be an ideal place to start, plus a superb way of keeping log of my lessons learnt as I progress through the whole Microsoft experience. 

If you have any questions or comments on what I post, please feel free to comment and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

Many thanks! 


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